Thursday, January 29, 2009

New Idea About Missing a Session

I decided to try something different for this campaign. I read this in the DMG and we’ll see how it works. If someone misses a session there not penalized. We treat it like they were there with everyone during the whole adventure but stayed in the background not doing anytyhing. That will keep from having to explain the absence. The only problem is while role playing it may be difficult to explain. But we won’t have to go to town to meet up with the PC’s.

I’m thinking about doing a little spin on what they suggested by allowing the PC’s to act when use the character who is not there but not during combat, like having the Cleric or Paladin use heal and buff powers in between combat but not being there during combat. Like it would be ok having the Warlock cast a ritual of knock to open a door, or if not in combat the Ranger could his perception/track abilities. The PC’s that aren’t there will not use any of there expendable gear like ritual scrolls, and potions except maybe healing potions to help others alive. You guys can decide what you think about using items.
This means I will need a current copy of your character when you’re going to miss. It also means that the PC’s will still get a full share of EXP even when they are not their.
Do you guys like this idea?

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