Thursday, January 29, 2009

New Idea About Missing a Session

I decided to try something different for this campaign. I read this in the DMG and we’ll see how it works. If someone misses a session there not penalized. We treat it like they were there with everyone during the whole adventure but stayed in the background not doing anytyhing. That will keep from having to explain the absence. The only problem is while role playing it may be difficult to explain. But we won’t have to go to town to meet up with the PC’s.

I’m thinking about doing a little spin on what they suggested by allowing the PC’s to act when use the character who is not there but not during combat, like having the Cleric or Paladin use heal and buff powers in between combat but not being there during combat. Like it would be ok having the Warlock cast a ritual of knock to open a door, or if not in combat the Ranger could his perception/track abilities. The PC’s that aren’t there will not use any of there expendable gear like ritual scrolls, and potions except maybe healing potions to help others alive. You guys can decide what you think about using items.
This means I will need a current copy of your character when you’re going to miss. It also means that the PC’s will still get a full share of EXP even when they are not their.
Do you guys like this idea?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Recap From Last Time (In late August of 08)

The PC’s met in the city of Greyhawk. It was never explained, but somehow everyone new each other. While exploring the city they over hear a crier mentioning that due to the Dwarven holiday the Lord Dendir Fellhammer was removing his usual tax on items taken out of The War Tower in the fabled dungeon Castle Greyhawk. This peaked peoples attention, although some had heard there was undead inside, which gave some second thoughts. The crier had mentioned other things going on in the city, including reports of a band of all women bandits plaguing the roads out side the city. The brigands called themselves “The Black Orchid” and there was a reward mentioned for their capture.
On the way to The War Tower, everyone stayed in the “Sparrow” an inn in a small farm town most of the way to the Castle Greyhawk. The thought of assaulting an Undead Tower at night was not so appealing so they decided to stay. While in the inn Tiberious became suspicious of an elf girl at the far end of the bar. He approached, and became more suspicious. They had pleasant conversation then she excused herself and went towards the out house. Tiberios followed but she had already mounted a horse and bolted away.
The next day as everyone was heading to Castle Greyhawk they were waylaid by members of “The Black Orchid.” It was a tough fight but the PC’s were victorious. Then Tiberious back tracked to the thieves lair were they encountered more thieves and the girl from the bar the night before. All were defeated except for the elf girl , who ended up being the leader, and is still at large.
The PC’s took the members of the Black Orchid back to Greyhawk for a reward and some fame.
Once again they made their way back to Castle Greyhawk. The War Tower was guarded by a big palisade and many dwarves including Lord Dendir Fellhammer guarded it. They opened the palisade and let everyone in. They had just opened the door to a large room and defeated a few skeletons.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Platinum is worth how much?!

Last time we played I didn't realize that 1 pp was worth 100gp. I over-estimated the value of the gem you guys cashed in. You guys took advantage of my drunkin-ness.